First of all, I don’t understand why it is not possible to use Evernote offline on Iphone/Ipod touch. Please, Please, Please Evernote add the offline editing capacity on the mobile application of Evernote!
Evernote processing:
1) As part of my regular GTD process, I process all Evernotes notes:
- Each note should have a tag: Temp, meeting, Task, Blog
- meeting notes should be copied on a txt file. I don’t trust Evernote for long term storage.
- Notes with a Tag “task”, should be treated as an “in basket” object (see GTD).
2) In meeting, I am using the Evernote application to take my meeting minutes. The landscape view is perfect for fast typing. I can’t modify my note though which is a pain but I didn’t find another application to do that.
3) On my laptop, quick Notepad application. Shortcut are a big part of it:
A newest version of EverNote had been released, and how it allowed for a couple of interesting global shortcut keys: CTRL+ALT+V and CTRL+ALT+N. The first would allow you to paste the contents of the Windows clipboard into a brand new note. The second would open EverNote and start a brand new note for you.
4) Tracking Blogs Ideas. Everytime I have an idea for a new Blog post, I just add a couple of lines in Evernotes, tag it with “Blog”. I will update the blog post multiple time until I find the quality of the post good enough.
5) In my everything in the cloud personal strategy (perhaps another post about this one day), I use Evenotes as my data hub. This means, if I loose everything, I can go in a cybercafe, log to evernotes and find everything (where to find everything and some login/password).
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